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Coumarin AMCA

Coumarin AMCA, also known as 7-Amino-4-Methylcoumarin-3-Acetic Acid (AMCA), is a fluorescent dye commonly used in molecular biology and cell biology research. It belongs to the coumarin family of dyes and is characterized by its blue fluorescence emission.

Coumarin AMCA is often used as a fluorescent label or probe in various applications, such as immunofluorescence staining, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and flow cytometry. It can be conjugated to antibodies, nucleic acids, or other biomolecules to enable their visualization and detection.

The excitation wavelength of coumarin AMCA is typically around 350-360 nm, and it emits blue fluorescence with a peak wavelength around 440 nm. Its fluorescence properties make it compatible with commonly used fluorescence microscopy and imaging systems.

One of the advantages of coumarin AMCA is its photostability, meaning it can withstand prolonged exposure to excitation light without significant loss of fluorescence signal. This makes it suitable for long-term imaging experiments.

It's worth noting that coumarin AMCA is not commonly used in live cell imaging due to its potential cytotoxicity. However, it is widely used in fixed cell imaging and other applications where live cell compatibility is not a concern.

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