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Proteins and Antigens for IVD

A class of proteins and antigens used in IVD industry, mainly including polysaccharides, peptides, lipids and other substances.

  • Viral Antigens

    Viral Antigens
    Virus antigen is the general name of virus containing antigen, which is an exogenous complete antige
  • Bacterial antigens

    Bacterial antigens
    Antigens present on cell walls, cell membranes and cytoplasm.
  • Antigens for IVD

    Antigens for IVD
    IVD antigen diagnostic materials can be used to prepare calibrators, quality controls, standards and

91高清自产国产拍,无码免费A级毛片大全,日本 欧美 国产中文字幕,99re热视频这里只有精品视频首页

