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Native Proteins

Natural proteins are proteins purified from their natural sources, including whole blood, serum and plasma of humans, animals or reptiles.

  • Human Proteins

    Human Proteins
    A group of proteins of human origin that have been genetically engineered to produce expression.
  • Bovine Proteins

    Bovine Proteins
    Bovine-derived protein is a natural protein, derived from cattle.
  • Mouse Proteins

    Mouse Proteins
    A class of proteins that originate from the mouse and are produced and expressed through genetic eng
  • Immunoglobulin proteins

    Immunoglobulin proteins
    Immunoglobulin (Ig) refers to a globulin that has the activity or chemical structure of an antibody
  • Complement Proteins

    Complement Proteins
    A group of proteins with enzymatic activity that are present in normal human and animal serum and ti
  • Albumins and Transport Proteins

    Albumins and Transport Proteins
    Transport proteins are a large group of membrane proteins that mediate the exchange of chemicals and

91高清自产国产拍,无码免费A级毛片大全,日本 欧美 国产中文字幕,99re热视频这里只有精品视频首页

