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The study of bacteria, fungi and microbiology is a discipline. We have organized our microbiology resources to make it easier for you to find articles, protocols and products related to pathogens and diseases, interactions between species, and microbial proteins and toxins. Learn how we can help you with your microbiological research.

  • Dry Culture Media

    Dry Culture Media
    Culture media is a source of nutrients and growth factors required for the growth of microorganisms
  • Microbial Culture Media Raw Materials

    Microbial Culture Media Raw Materials
    A microbial culture medium is a mixture of substances that promotes and supports the growth and diff
  • Pre-Poured Plates

    Pre-Poured Plates
    Pre-Poured Agar plates are used to germinate spores, isolate mycelium away from contamination and to
  • Agar Media

    Agar Media
    An agar plate is a Petri dish that contains a growth medium solidified with agar, used to culture mi
  • Liquid Culture Media

    Liquid Culture Media
    These media do not contain any traces of solidifying agents, such as agar or gelatin, and large grow

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