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货号 (SKU) 包装规格 是否现货 价格 数量
rp175377-500μg 500μg 期货 Stock Image
rp175377-1mg 1mg 期货 Stock Image


产品名称 VEGFA


CAS编号和信息 rp175377


Target ID 1812
名称 fms related receptor tyrosine kinase 1
缩写名 VEGFR-1
家族 Type IV RTKs: VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) receptor family
别名 EBRT2
Species Transmembrane Domains Amino Acids Chromosomal Location Gene Symbol Gene Name
Human 1 1338 13q12.3 FLT1 fms related receptor tyrosine kinase 1
Mouse 1 1333 5 87.01 cM Flt1 FMS-like tyrosine kinase 1
Rat 1 1336 12p11 Flt1 Fms related receptor tyrosine kinase 1
Ensembl Gene ENSG00000102755 (Hs) , ENSMUSG00000029648 (Mm) , ENSRNOG00000000940 (Rn)
Entrez Gene 14254 (Mm) , 54251 (Rn) , 2321 (Hs)
OMIM 165070 (Hs)
Protein GI 11276093 (Rn) , 34328180 (Mm) , 229892302 (Hs)
UniProtKB P17948 (Hs) , P35969 (Mm) , P53767 (Rn)
RefSeq Nucleotide NM_001159920 (Hs) , NM_010228 (Mm) , NM_019306 (Rn)
RefSeq Protein NP_001153392 (Hs) , NP_034358 (Mm) , NP_062179 (Rn)
DrugBank Target P17948 (Hs)
CATH/Gene3D (N/A)
ChEMBL Target CHEMBL1868 (Hs) , CHEMBL3516 (Mm)
Target ID 1813
名称 kinase insert domain receptor
缩写名 VEGFR-2
家族 Type IV RTKs: VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) receptor family
别名 EBRT2
Species Transmembrane Domains Amino Acids Chromosomal Location Gene Symbol Gene Name
Human 1 1356 4q12 KDR kinase insert domain receptor
Mouse 1 1367 5 40.23 cM Kdr kinase insert domain protein receptor
Rat 1 1343 14p11 Kdr kinase insert domain receptor
Ensembl Gene ENSG00000128052 (Hs) , ENSMUSG00000062960 (Mm) , ENSRNOG00000046829 (Rn)
Entrez Gene 16542 (Mm) , 25589 (Rn) , 3791 (Hs)
OMIM 191306 (Hs)
Protein GI 11321597 (Hs) , 27777648 (Mm) , 6981128 (Rn)
UniProtKB P35968 (Hs) , P35918 (Mm) , O08775 (Rn)
RefSeq Nucleotide NM_002253 (Hs) , NM_010612 (Mm) , NM_013062 (Rn)
RefSeq Protein NP_002244 (Hs) , NP_034742 (Mm) , NP_037194 (Rn)
Orphanet 229801 (Hs)
DrugBank Target P35968 (Hs)
CATH/Gene3D (N/A)
ChEMBL Target CHEMBL3337 (Mm) , CHEMBL279 (Hs)


Ligand ID 5085
别名 vascular permeability factor (VPF)
类别 Peptide
学名 4-amino-N-(4,6-dimethylpyrimidin-2-yl)benzenesulfonamide
生物活性评价 The sulfonamide class of antibacterial compounds are primarily bacteriostatic agents and have a broad spectrum of activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative species of bacteria (reviewed in ).
评价 The active peptide is anti-parallel homodimer linked by disulphide bonds. VEGFA exists as four isoforms of 121, 165, 189 and 206 amino acids. The shortest variant contains the full VEGFR2 binding site but lacks domains that are involved in interactions with extracellular-matrix and co-receptors which are present in the longer isoforms .
A recombinant single-chain derivative of VEGFA121 (scVEGF) can be used experimentally as a fully functional peptide that binds and activates VEGFR2 in the same manner as endogenous VEGFA . scVEGF can be labelled with a single fluorophore at its N-terminal, for use as a molecular probe .
配体家族 Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) family ligands
Gene symbol Gene name Precursor protein name Species 别名
VEGFA vascular endothelial growth factor A prepro-vascular endothelial growth factor A Human VEGF, VEGF-A, VPF, vascular endothelial growth factor
翻译后修饰 Homodimer formed by interchain disulphide bonds between cysteine residues at positions 51 and 60; further disulphide bonds formed between cysteine residues at positions 26 and 68, 57 and 102, and 61 and 104. Lysine residues at positions 121, 123 and 126 are N6-acetyllysine. N-linked glycosylation of asparagine residue at position 75


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2. Anderson CR, Rychak JJ, Backer M, Backer J, Ley K, Klibanov AL.  (2010)  scVEGF microbubble ultrasound contrast agents: a novel probe for ultrasound molecular imaging of tumor angiogenesis..  Invest Radiol,  45  (10):  (579-85).  [PMID:20733505]
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