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Ramos Whole Cell Lysate

规格或纯度: 200μg, Mycoplasma free
  • 应用: WB


货号 (SKU) 包装规格 是否现货 价格 数量
cl155908-200μg 200μg 现货 Stock Image


产品名称 Ramos Whole Cell Lysate
规格或纯度 200μg, Mycoplasma free

The Ramos whole cell was prepared using a standard whole cell lysate protocol. The concentration was determined using the BCA assay process.
Ramos cell line was derived from a caucasian Burkitt's lymphoma which does not possess the Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) genome. EBV infectability and permanent conversion into EBV positive sub-lines is possible by in vitro infection. The cells have B lymphocyte characteristics, with surface associated mu and kappa chains. Cells are used as model of B lymphocytes and for apoptosis studies.

Product Description

Mycoplasma free


应用 WB
物理外观 Lyophilized
储存缓冲液 Our lysates are made using RIPA buffer to which we add a protease inhibitor cocktail (EDTA-Free Protease Inhibitor Cocktail) and phosphatase inhibitor (Na3VO4).
复溶 Recommended reconstitute at 1-2 mg/mL in ddH2O. Use at an assay dependent concentration. Ready to load on SDS-PAGE for Western blotting, 20 μg per lane is recommended for mini gel. Lyophilized contents may appear as either a translucent film or a white po
储存温度 -80℃储存
运输条件 超低温冰袋运输
稳定性与储存 Shipped on Dry Ice. Lyophilizate is recommended stored at -80℃. After reconstitution, recommended aliquot and avoid repeated freeze-thaw, store at -20℃ for short-term storage or -80℃ for long-term storage.


Ramos Whole Cell Lysate (cl155908) - Western Blot
All lanes: beta Actin Mouse mAb (Ab155822) at 1/10000 dilution

Lane 1: Jurkat Whole Cell Lysate (cl155897)
Lane 2: MOLT-4 Whole Cell Lysate (cl155905)
Lane 3: LNCaP Whole Cell Lysate (cl155902)
Lane 4: Ramos Whole Cell Lysate (cl155908)

Lysates at 20 μg per lane

Secondary: Goat Anti-Mouse IgG H&L (HRP) (Ab138040) at 1/10000 dilution

Predicted band size: 42 kDa
Observed band size: 42 kDa

Ramos Whole Cell Lysate (cl155908) - Western Blot
All lanes: PCNA Mouse mAb (Ab155826) at 1/2000 dilution

Lane 1: Jurkat Whole Cell Lysate (cl155897)
Lane 2: MOLT-4 Whole Cell Lysate (cl155905)
Lane 3: LNCaP Whole Cell Lysate (cl155902)
Lane 4: Ramos Whole Cell Lysate (cl155908)

Lysates at 20 μg per lane

Secondary: Goat Anti-Mouse IgG H&L (HRP) (Ab138040) at 1/10000 dilution

Predicted band size: 29 kDa
Observed band size: 29 kDa

Ramos Whole Cell Lysate (cl155908) - Western Blot
All lanes: Heat Shock Protein 60 antibody (HSP60) at 1/1000 dilution

Lane 1: Jurkat Whole Cell Lysate (cl155897)
Lane 2: MOLT-4 Whole Cell Lysate (cl155905)
Lane 3: LNCaP Whole Cell Lysate (cl155902)
Lane 4: Ramos Whole Cell Lysate (cl155908)

Lysates at 20 μg per lane

Secondary: Goat Anti-Mouse IgG H&L (HRP) (Ab138040) at 1/10000 dilution

Predicted band size: 60 kDa
Observed band size: 58 kDa






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