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HEK-293 Whole Cell Lysate

规格或纯度: 200μg, Mycoplasma free
  • 应用: WB


货号 (SKU) 包装规格 是否现货 价格 数量
cl155895-200μg 200μg 现货 Stock Image


产品名称 HEK-293 Whole Cell Lysate
规格或纯度 200μg, Mycoplasma free

Product Description:

This HEK-293 whole cell was prepared using a standard whole cell lysate protocol. The concentration was determined using the BCA assay process.

Human Embryonic Kidney (HEK) 293 cells were originally derived from human embryonic kidney and subsequently demonstrated to be a useful cell type to produce adenovirus, other viral vectors, and effectively glycosylated human recombinant proteins. They are therefore used for virology studies and transfected to express recombinant proteins for studies in a number of research fields.


应用 WB
物理外观 Lyophilized
储存缓冲液 Our lysates are made using RIPA buffer to which we add a protease inhibitor cocktail (EDTA-Free Protease Inhibitor Cocktail) and phosphatase inhibitor (Na3VO4).
复溶 Recommended reconstitute at 1-2 mg/mL in ddH2O. Use at an assay dependent concentration. Ready to load on SDS-PAGE for Western blotting, 20 μg per lane is recommended for mini gel.Lyophilized contents may appear as either a translucent film or a white pow
储存温度 -80℃储存
运输条件 超低温冰袋运输
稳定性与储存 Shipped on Dry Ice. Lyophilizate is recommended stored at -80℃. After reconstitution, recommended aliquot and avoid repeated freeze-thaw, store at -20℃ for short-term storage or -80℃ for long-term storage.


HEK-293 Whole Cell Lysate (cl155895) - Western Blot

All lanes: beta Actin Mouse mAb (Ab155822) at 1/10000 dilution


Lane 1: K-562 Whole Cell Lysate (cl155898)

Lane 2: HEK-293 Whole Cell Lysate (cl155895)

Lane 3:?A431 Whole Cell Lysate (cl155901)

Lane 4:?NIH/3T3 Whole Cell Lysate (cl155900)

Lane 5:?HT-29 Whole Cell Lysate (cl155904)


Lysates at 20 μg per lane


Secondary: Goat Anti-Mouse IgG H&L (HRP) (Ab138040) at 1/10000 dilution


Predicted band size: 42 kDa

Observed band size:?42 kDa

HEK-293 Whole Cell Lysate (cl155895) - Western Blot
All lanes: PCNA Mouse mAb (Ab155826) at 1/2000 dilution

Lane 1: K-562 Whole Cell Lysate (cl155898)
Lane 2: HEK-293 Whole Cell Lysate (cl155895)
Lane 3: A431 Whole Cell Lysate (cl155901)
Lane 4: NIH/3T3 Whole Cell Lysate (cl155900)
Lane 5: HT-29 Whole Cell Lysate?(cl155904)

Lysates at 20 μg per lane

Secondary: Goat Anti-Mouse IgG H&L (HRP) (Ab138040) at 1/10000 dilution

Predicted band size: 29 kDa
Observed band size: 29 kDa

HEK-293 Whole Cell Lysate (cl155895) - Western Blot
All lanes: Heat Shock Protein 60 antibody (HSP60) at 1/1000 dilution

Lane 1: K-562 Whole Cell Lysate (cl155898)
Lane 2: HEK-293 Whole Cell Lysate (cl155895)
Lane 3: A431 Whole Cell Lysate (cl155901)
Lane 4: NIH/3T3 Whole Cell Lysate (cl155900)
Lane 5: HT-29 Whole Cell Lysate (cl155904)

Lysates at 20 μg per lane

Secondary: Goat Anti-Mouse IgG H&L (HRP) (Ab138040) at 1/10000 dilution

Predicted band size: 60 kDa
Observed band size: 58 kDa






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