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Alkaline Lysis Buffers A, B, C Recipes

Alkaline Lysis Buffer A Recip

? ? ? ?Add the following to 100ml distilled H2O

? ? ? ?5ml of 20% SDS

? ? ? ?2ml of 10M NaOH

Alkaline Lysis Buffer B Recipe

? ? ? ?Add the following to 100ml distilled H2O

? ? ? ?29.4g KAc

? ? ? ?11.5ml of Glacial Acetic Acid

Alkaline Lysis Buffer C Recipe

? ? ? ?Add the following to 900ml distilled H2O

? ? ? ?9g Glucose

? ? ? ?3g Tris

? ? ? ?20ml of 0.25M EDTA

? ? ? ?
q.s. to 1000ml with distilled H2O

? ? ? ?Autoclave using standard conditions

? ? ? ?Allow to cool to room temperature

? ? ? ?Store at 4℃

When ready to use add 0.02g lysozyme to 100ml of alkaline lysis buffer C to yield alkaline lysis buffer A.

91高清自产国产拍,无码免费A级毛片大全,日本 欧美 国产中文字幕,99re热视频这里只有精品视频首页

