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How can I save the recombinant protein after re-dissolution?

How can I save the recombinant protein after re-dissolution?

The dissolved protein can be repackaged according to the working dosage. The working consumption is generally 10 or 20 μL or so. The sub-packed solution shall be stored in polypropylene pipe. Polypropylene is very suitable for this application, because protein will not strongly adhere to this material. Protein will adhere to glass or polystyrene materials, so we recommend not to use storage containers made of these materials to store protein solution. The sub-packed solution can be stored at -?20. If you have a -80refrigerator available, this temperature condition is more suitable for storage.

91高清自产国产拍,无码免费A级毛片大全,日本 欧美 国产中文字幕,99re热视频这里只有精品视频首页

