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single Ig and TIR domain containing

Target Id 2969
缩写名 SHP2
家族 Immunoglobulin-like family of IL-1 receptors


Species Transmembrane Domains Amino Acids Chromosomal Location Gene Symbol Gene Name
Human 1 410 11p15.5 SIGIRR single Ig and TIR domain containing
Mouse 1 409 7 F5 Sigirr single immunoglobulin and toll-interleukin 1 receptor (TIR) domain
Rat 1 409 1q41 Sigirr single Ig and TIR domain containing


Ligand Id Ligand Ligand Type Action on Target 对应产品货号 产品名称
6149 IL-37 Peptide Agonist rp174311 IL-37

91高清自产国产拍,无码免费A级毛片大全,日本 欧美 国产中文字幕,99re热视频这里只有精品视频首页

