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Proton-coupled Amino acid Transporter 1

Target Id 1161
缩写名 PAT1
家族 SLC36 family of proton-coupled amino acid transporters


Species Transmembrane Domains Amino Acids Chromosomal Location Gene Symbol Gene Name
Human 11 476 5q33.1 SLC36A1 solute carrier family 36 member 1
Mouse 11 475 11 B1.3 Slc36a1 solute carrier family 36 (proton/amino acid symporter), member 1
Rat 11 475 10q22 Slc36a1 solute carrier family 36 member 1


Ligand Id Ligand Ligand Type Action on Target 对应产品货号 产品名称
5 5-hydroxytryptamine Metabolite Inhibition H303833 5-羟基色胺
717 L-tryptophan Metabolite Inhibition T118579 L-色氨酸
4671 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan Metabolite Inhibition H111084 5-羟基色氨酸
4709 indole-3-propionic acid Natural product Inhibition I103959 3-吲哚丙酸(IPA)
1013 17β-estradiol Metabolite Inhibition
7071 ethinylestradiol Metabolite Inhibition E129595 炔雌醇


1. Emberger W, Windpassinger C, Petek E, Kroisel PM, Wagner K.  (2000)  Assignment of the human GABAA receptor delta-subunit gene (GABRD) to chromosome band 1p36.3 distal to marker NIB1364 by radiation hybrid mapping..  Cytogenet Cell Genet,  89  (3-4):  (281-2).  [PMID:10965146]
2. Sommer B, Poustka A, Spurr NK, Seeburg PH.  (1990)  The murine GABAA receptor delta-subunit gene: structure and assignment to human chromosome 1..  DNA Cell Biol,  (8):  (561-8).  [PMID:2176788]

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