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peptide YY

别名 peptide YY, peptide tyrosine tyrosine
Compound Class Peptide
变动原因 Peptide YY is a neuropeptide Y2 receptor agonist. It has been investigated as a potential appetite suppressant .
Species Human


Gene symbol Gene name Precursor protein name Species 别名
PYY peptide YY prepro-PYY Human PYY1
IUPAC Name 4-amino-N-(4,6-dimethylpyrimidin-2-yl)benzenesulfonamide
别名 peptide YY, peptide tyrosine tyrosine


生物活性评价 The sulfonamide class of antibacterial compounds are primarily bacteriostatic agents and have a broad spectrum of activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative species of bacteria (reviewed in ).
关联靶标 Y1 receptor , Y2 receptor , Y4 receptor , Y4 receptor , Y1 receptor , Y2 receptor


Summary of Clinical Use The anorexic effect of peptide YY(3-36) in overweight patients has been evaluated in early stage clinical trial (for example see NCT00331175). It is likely that the clinical effect of PYY(3-36) was limited by rapid metabolic conversion to the inactive (3-34) peptide .
作用机制与药效学效应 Sulfonamides are structural analogues of 4-aminobenzoic acid (pABA) an intermediate in the de novo synthesis of folate by some prokaryotes, lower eukaryotes and plants . The antibacterial MMOA is competitive inhibition of bacterial dihydropteroate synthase (DHPS) resulting in a block of folate biosynthesis .


1. Kuehl PJ, Boyden T, Dobry DE, Doyle-Eisele M, Friesen DT, McDonald JD, Murri BG, Vodak DT, Lyon DK.  (2016)  Inhaled PYY(3-36) dry-powder formulation for appetite suppression..  Drug Dev Ind Pharm,  42  (1):  (150-156).  [PMID:26006332]
2. Fazen CH, Valentin D, Fairchild TJ, Doyle RP.  (2011)  Oral delivery of the appetite suppressing peptide hPYY(3-36) through the vitamin B12 uptake pathway..  J Med Chem,  54  (24):  (8707-11).  [PMID:22054008]
3. Nadkarni PP, Costanzo RM, Sakagami M.  (2011)  Pulmonary delivery of peptide YY for food intake suppression and reduced body weight gain in rats..  Diabetes Obes Metab,  13  (5):  (408-17).  [PMID:21226821]
4. Steinert RE, Poller B, Castelli MC, Drewe J, Beglinger C.  (2010)  Oral administration of glucagon-like peptide 1 or peptide YY 3-36 affects food intake in healthy male subjects..  Am J Clin Nutr,  92  (4):  (810-7).  [PMID:20720259]
5. Tor?ng S, Veedfald S, Rosenkilde MM, Hartmann B, Holst JJ.  (2015)  The anorexic hormone Peptide YY3-36 is rapidly metabolized to inactive Peptide YY3-34 in?vivo..  Physiol Rep,  (7):  (1755-70).  [PMID:26197931]


Post Translation Modifications The C-terminal tyrosine is amidated.

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